I knew the feeling. I knew why the boys stared at us and what they naturally desired to do. As girls we were expected to "like" their attention. I asked, "How did you feel with Steve?"

Michelle thought and then said, "Steve told me that a good actor can play any part. He just has to let himself go and experience the role. He offered to help me perfect my female 'lead' reactions. Maybe I should let Steve assist me? How else can I learn to respond properly?"

I didn't say anything wondering what Steve had in mind. In a few minutes, I found myself cradling in my arms my sleeping roommate. I took a long time to fall asleep as I felt his breasts against my skin. My own physique was not responding to the situation in a way that I hoped, I felt like Mike and I were the same sex, both girls.

Oh, how will I cope with these changes?!

The next morning, Michael was cheerfully back to his old self. He was shocked when he saw me still wearing 'THE MINIMIZERTM'. He said, "I thought I warned you about wearing that for more than an evening?"

"Yeah but...," I started to say.

He shook his head. "I know it's comfortable but try taking it off


I did. As I released the straps and freed my maleness, I was suddenly in violent agony. Released from their bondage, they expanded quickly causing terrible pain. The pain brought tears to my eyes, "OWWWWW! THAT HURTS! What can I do?"

"Put it back on," Michael said.

Chapter 16, Catherine emerges.

A few weeks later, Michelle went away with Steve for a weekend "actor's retreat" only to return a very different person. He had a radiance and a new sauntering walk. I asked him what he learned. "I never knew what men were about . . .even though I was one. My perception has changed," he smiled shyly, adding, "Playing the girl's part with a man is electrifying, it's much more fulfilling than I ever conceived."

Over the next few years, I slipped more and more into my soft Catherine character. My body was starting to play all kinds of havoc with my personal appearance. My bosom was now quite prominent, with large tender nipples and obvious conelike protrusions. My hips and waist also changed shape. Any girl's clothes, even pants, I now put on fit perfectly, that is with the narrow waist just right, and my widening hips filling the seat of the pants.


Each year I had a new roommate. They had an interesting rotation plan. The next year, I had a freshman boy roommate, it was my job to show him the "ropes". My junior year was spent with a senior tress who taught me a lot. My senior year with another senior. That year we had FUN playfully showing off our great figures.

Chapter 17, Fashion training.

As a senior, I really devoted myself to my girlish classes. For example, in our Senior fashion and sewing class, I was working on a beautiful cocktail dress that the teacher said was too complicated for course. Nevertheless, I got it finished before the course evaluation deadline. My efforts paid off too. I received and A+!! As a bonus for such a mark, I was offered a chance to personally model my dress in the annual school fashion show. The show attracted some fashion press coverage, fundamentally because several very significant designers had made their start at Rosemount.

The dress had a low-back with a skirt that flared at the bottom into a full circle. A large sash cinched in my waist creating the illusion of a perfect hourglass figure. The front was satin that draped across my bustline giving me a voluptuous look. I wore the dress all evening, I loved the way it felt and moved.

Normally you would expect girls to get "catty" with another who won out over them. But I was provided all kinds of encouragement and support. It turns out that I was the first tress ever to win. Without thinking anything of it, I strutted my stuff at the show. Of course, I made sure the makeup and hairdressing teachers spent a lot of time making me "beautiful".

Chapter 18, Catherine makes it.

The results of the fashion show evening were astounding, at least to me. The photos that the photographers were taking had been scrutinized by various fashion experts and they selected me as one of two 'girls' who had 'just the right look'! I was absolutely shocked when, four weeks later as I was about to graduate, a most unusual offer was presented to me.

Ms. Cavell called me out of one of my classes one morning. I swished into her office on my high heels wearing a soft and fluffy lambswool sweater that fit tightly across my bosom. My hair was now half way down my back...styled in a thick braid.

Ms. Cavell had another woman in her office with her.


"Ah, Catherine. . .I would like you to meet Ms. Heather Dodge from New York City. She is a close friend of mine, and the executive director of a large modelling agency. Ms. Dodge has an offer for you." "Hello, Catherine," Ms. Dodge spoke as she stood up and came to shake my hand.

"Pleased to meet you Ms. Dodge," I sweetly responded.